
Friday, March 7, 2008

4chan. Nifty mind-altering drug, or suppository of pain?

Im betting anyone who reads this has been to atleast once. The place kills childhoods, a comon fact. But its also a nerds greatest past time. Watching newfags get owned by oldfags never loses its appeal. And who could forget the time they learned to post in green? Its figured it out. Yay. And motivational posters. Long cat Vs. Tacgnol will stay as my background for quite some time.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Radio songs.

Why do they all suck? Occasionally there will be a good one, but thats only once in a blue moon. But the problem is, its hard finding good indie music. I like alot of kinds of music, but some of the stuff is just noise. <_<;

If you know of any good bands, tell me. Do it.

On a less bitchy note, more creations.

Photobucket Photobucket

Nother thing, now that I think about it.

Who would win in a spitting contest?
Photobucket Him

Photobucket Her

Photobucket Or Christopher?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Stuff I've made.

So, I've been working with Photoshoop alot latly, and I don't have anywhere to show it off. So here it is. :O


And this...banned from AXA... <__<;

Photobucket Photobucket

Why was this banned? Whats wrong with big, beautiful, women? Even though they are neither.